Voting: Yeah, It Matters.

I keep seeing Tweets about how voting doesn't matter. Voting doesn't cut it. What's the point? Look, the system is rigged, no doubt about that, allowing for minority rule, but it can be overcome with sheer numbers & there are more of us than there are of them. And...

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Apologies… Maybe?

So for months I have been inundated by these emails through my website with random people offering to up the traffic to my site. (yeah, I know I've been terrible about updating this site, all the other social media is eating me alive) Anyway, they all have this little...

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Imperials 5 — Thucydides Trap — Update

Hi, Folks, We really, really wanted to have this book come out in the spring, but life has a way of intruding. While I finished and delivered the book we've had struggles with Covid and other issues that have left the publisher upon occasion a bit short staffed. Which...

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Writing About War

I was answering a question from my friend Juhan over on Facebook, and realized it was worth putting up here too. He asked how these events in Ukraine affect me as a writer. And here was my answer. It has made me ever more aware of the cost of war. Yes, on the soldiers...

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A Sad Loss

As one ages this becomes a depressingly more common activity. Writing up your memories of a friend and colleague who has passed away. It is my sad task to have to do it again. It took me a long time to process this one. I think the suddenness of the loss of John Jos...

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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas 2021

Forgive me for the long absence. Life has been challenging and I tend to spend more time on Facebook and Twitter than minding this blog. But I wanted to post today. I hope all of you are safe, warm and secure surrounded by people who love and care for you. I know this...

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How I Plot

I mentioned on Twitter that I was getting ready to outline or break two new novels, and a follower asked if I could describe my process. It ended up being a really looong Tweet thread so I thought I would pull it all together here for folks who might not be on...

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The Ideals We Espouse, but Fail to Achieve

I do have to go serious today. Yesterday my Ex and I spent the day in Santa Fe enjoying great New Mexican cuisine and wandering through the art galleries both on the Plaza and up on Canyon Road. As we were driving into town we noticed that Old Santa Fe Trail past the...

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Imperials Book 5 – The Thucydides Trap

Release date January 17, 2023

Click here to buy on Amazon


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