I was answering a question from my friend Juhan over on Facebook, and realized it was worth putting up here too. He asked how these events in Ukraine affect me as a writer. And here was my answer.
It has made me ever more aware of the cost of war. Yes, on the soldiers who fight, but especially on the innocents — civilians in particular, especially the children, and yes, these families beloved pets. If you are fleeing for your life what do you do about your pets? Abandon them? Try to take them with you? What about the precious memorabilia? How do you chose? What you really want is portable wealth, of course. Jewelry, something to sell so you can keep yourself and your children fed, bribe guards, pay to travel. But gods what agonizing choices.
I have my dad’s baton from when he had a was the leader of a jazz band (I broke the tip off when I was a little kid pretending to conduct), but I treasure this. It would be stupid to take it, but to leave it knowing it might be destroyed crushes my heart.
These are very difficult times. Be gentle with yourself and accept comfort where you find it.