So here is a story. My aunt and uncle on my dad’s side had two Siamese cats — Tasha and Andy. And when I was a baby my mom (my dad was in Washington D.C. testifying to a congressional committee about organized crime in Los Angeles more on that another time) was staying with Judy and Ernie. Now, they were young and staying home with a baby so my aunt and uncle and my mom would put Tasha in my crib and tell her to “watch the baby” while they went off dancing for a couple of hours. Of course today, they would be arrested, but it was a different time. Anyway, Tasha decided I was her kitten and she treated me thusly until she died at 21.
During those years they were in Carmel an artist, Babe Balze,  painted a portrait of the cats, and my cousin, Judy brought me the painting. So I have it sitting on a dining room chair and Yondu just freaked out. His tail became a pine cone and he made threatening noises at the painted cats and clawed at the glass. My friend Elijah says the painting is haunted and I think he might be right.
So here is Yondu battling the ghost cats and here also is the painting sans Yondu.