Forgive me for the long absence. Life has been challenging and I tend to spend more time on Facebook and Twitter than minding this blog. But I wanted to post today.

I hope all of you are safe, warm and secure surrounded by people who love and care for you.
I know this has been another hard year, but things are better. Thanks to brilliant scientists we have vaccines and medicines that hold so much promise even beyond Covid.
I know climate change is a true threat, but now more and more people, and more importantly, more and more political leaders are accepting the reality, and (see above) brilliant scientists who will help us find solutions to protect the planet and this crazy little species that managed to rise to sentience on this ball of dirt.
There is still music and art and dance and drama and yes, even comedy though it might be harder to laugh right now, and literature. Always literature, stories that inspire and move us.
And the universe is still mysterious and wondrous and yet somehow we learn more and more each day that makes it even more sublime.
So, let’s all hang in there for another year. I know we can do it. I know I can do it because of all the fun and support from you good people who share some time reach out to me and say hello. I want you to know how much I appreciate it.