Hi, Folks,

We really, really wanted to have this book come out in the spring, but life has a way of intruding. While I finished and delivered the book we’ve had struggles with Covid and other issues that have left the publisher upon occasion a bit short staffed. Which has meant a delay in the editing process. So while it is painful for all of us the decision was made not to rush this essential step in producing a book we can all be proud of, and you will all enjoy reading, so the publication date has been pushed back to late August or September. Thank you all in advance for your understanding.

On the upside, the terrific staff have been hard at work doing the copyedits and prep to release the three books of Carolingian series. Lucifer’s War, The Devil’s Understudy, and third title to be determined. Yes, these are reissues, but the novels have been heavily rewritten. First, I’m a much more accomplished writer than I was in the 1990’s, and it’s amazing how when you turn a novel into a screenplay you start to find a lot of the structural flaws in the novel. And yes, we are trying to turn this books series into a TV series so keep your fingers crossed. I’ve got a couple of TV irons in the fire (actually three) and if one hits the rest should fall like those proverbial dominos.

So that’s the update and I sincerely hope you will all hang in with us. The story of Mercedes and Tracy will have its conclusion. It’s just going to be in your hands and on your devices a few months later than we had hoped.