So for months I have been inundated by these emails through my website with random people offering to up the traffic to my site. (yeah, I know I’ve been terrible about updating this site, all the other social media is eating me alive) Anyway, they all have this little “What’s Up?” tag so I have taken to just deleting them as spam. And then today I actually looked at one of them and it turned out to be an actual question. So if anyone has sent me an email and I didn’t answer… that’s why, and I truly didn’t mean to be rude.

So please resend your question or comment and I’m going to go back to carefully checking all these “Up your traffic” emails so I don’t miss answering any of you. It’s my practice to always respond whether on Twitter or Facebook (I sort of suck at Instagram because I am a word person and not a picture person.)

And I’ll try to be better about posting content here. I promise.