I wanted to give folks an update on getting Imperials back into print and the final two books available to readers. First the good news. I’m making really good progress on book 5 thought I’ve had to set it aside briefly while I revise the third Linnet Ellery book. (More on that in a separate post).

Now the bad news. The publisher we had hoped would pick up Imperials didn’t bite because they don’t do reprints and wouldn’t put the first three books back into print. Which makes it a non-starter for both of us. Right now the Queen of Agents is in London and once Kay is back we will regroup and figure out where to go from here. It may be that I simply accept the new publishing paradigm and just go indy pub. God knows we can come up with better covers than the publisher.

Anyway, I apologize for the delay. I’m really trying to get these books available again. Thank you all for your patience.