People. Last night was a good night. Even in races we didn’t win Democrats significantly narrowed the margins. We got the House. We won governorships. We all knew the Senate was going to be a lift. Next time the Republicans will be on defense.

And think about the wonderful diversity. WE are the face of America – not exclusively white or male or straight or Christian. So savor this then get the hell back to work. Keep registering new voters & energizing this beautiful new demographic that is about to become America.

And lest you think elections don’t have consequences and your vote doesn’t matter. Maine elected a Democratic governor and flipped the state senate to blue which means there will be an expansion of Medicaid in that state. That’s 80,000 people who are finally going to have access to health care.

Here is a bit more to celebrate —

The first openly gay person elected governor.
First Native American women elected to Congress.
First Latinas from Texas will go to Congress
The first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
The youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
The first openly lesbian woman elected mayor in Florida
40% of black men in FL won the right to vote Florida.
27 NRA supporting politicians lost their seats.
The Texas Board of Education went to the Democrats — this is huge as regards textbooks & teaching science and not superstition

And Kim Davis the woman who denied gay couples marriage licenses lost her re-election bid.

So no long faces today. Beto is young. He’ll run again. Gillum is a rock star. He’ll run again. Stacy Abrams is a powerhouse. She’ll run again. Let’s just make sure all of us are there to help them in the next battle. As my friend Myke Cole wisely reminded everyone on Twitter. “There’s a good maritime expression I have to keep repeating to myself right now – “Big ships turn slowly.” We won a big battle, but the struggle for the soul of our country and defense of our Constitution continues.