
I’ve spent three days in the company of brilliant writers and I am humbled and inspired, and educated all at the same time.  The past few days I was in Portales New Mexico, site of the Williamson Lectureship.  The Lectureship was founded by Jack Williamson, Grand Master of science fiction, and man who sold his first story, The Metal Man, in 1928, and his last novel, The Stonhenge Gate, was published in 2005.  Other little facts about Jack;  he added words to the English language by...

The Tightrope

I’ve been dithering over a scene in the latest novel, THE EDGE OF DARKNESS.  In the interest of efficiency and moving the story forward I wanted this to be a simple set of actions.  People get locked up so hero and his Scooby Gang can escape. Eventually locked up people have to be freed, and take their nefarious actions.  Which had me reflecting on cell phones.  If you leave them with phones they call the cops and claim they are being kidnapped/illegally detained, and my hero’s...

The Pay Off — Don’t Biff It

I’ve talked about this in the context of Mass Effect 3 and the ultimate massive failure of what should have been the greatest video game to date, but I have to bring it up again.  I don’t tend to review books because if I’ve read a book to the end it means I liked it, and then I get accused of just saying nice things, and if I don’t like a book I stop reading.  I only have so many years of life left so I don’t spend time on books I don’t like.  I also offer...