Mass Effect 3 – Citadel

Well, I have played Citadel. I have played almost every permutation of the “party”. I appreciate the fact that BioWare has sent me a box of chocolates and some roses, that this DLC (downloadable content) was a love letter and maybe even a bit of an apology from the folks at BioWare. I enjoyed large sections of this add on, but ultimately it feels like another missed opportunity. I’m going to talk about the interactions with your teammates, friends and LI (love interest)...

Late at Night and All Alone

I’ve been having a really interesting discussion with a number of fans over on the BSN (BioWare Social Network).  This group seemed to be moderate, thoughtful, and far more polite with one another.  The topic was foreshadowing, and needless to say we ended up discussing the tragic failure to foreshadow pretty much anything that mattered at the end of the third game.  A year of analysis, looking at this game solely as a writing exercise, and the enjoyment of writing my own ending, and...

It’s The Craft That Matters

I joined the BioWare social network because of my deep enjoyment and interest in both the Dragon Age franchise and the Mass Effect franchise.  Unfortunately there does seem to be a tendency to go for the flame among some of the members.  Because we are all geeks there is also a tendency to focus on minutia.  We saw it a lot when I was on Star Trek:TNG.  After each episode aired there would be so many letters about our technobabble pointing out that we had said something that was contradictory...

Mass Effect 3 Dilemma

So the final DLC (Down Loadable Content) for Mass Effect 3 dropped today.  Thus far I have resisted purchasing any of the DLC’s for this game.  I had the same reaction to Dragon Age 2.  I didn’t buy a single DLC.  But for Mass Effect 1 and 2 and Dragon Age: Origins I bought every DLC.  The games were just that good.  But now my resolve is being tested. From the trailer it’s apparently old home week all the living characters with whom you’ve adventured return.  And you...

Robin Sachs R.I.P.

It’s a strange phenomenon when a person who has entered our homes either through television or been a familiar figure in movies dies.  You feel a sense of connection, and can feel grief for that loss.  But I’m feeling it all the more strongly with word that the very talented Robin Sachs who voiced so many games has died at age 61.  I feel especially close to that actor because he voiced characters with whom I’ve gone adventuring.  As Zaeed Massani in Mass Effect 2 and 3, he...

Violence and Video Games

As people have probably noticed I have become addicted to video games.  I have an X-Box 360.  I belong to X-Box Live.  I post on the Bioware Social Network.  I’ve written a Mass Effect fanfic story.  And I ended up in an interesting debate/discussion with two couples at a dinner party last week.  These are folks I know from the barn.  We are all roughly the same age, and level of education.  The couple hosting the dinner party were teachers at an elite school in Connecticut.  The other...