Cover Hiccup
Hi folks. There was an error on the spine of the print version of TO REIGN IN HEAVEN. Instead of being Book IV, it had been put out as Book VI. The layout artist corrected that and I have uploaded the new cover to all the various platforms, but it might take a few...
Death As Redemption
This post was generated after watching the finale of The Acolyte, so if you haven’t see it yet there are going to be SPOILERS, so stop reading now....
Tackling A Fantasy is Scary As Hell
As a reader I've tended to prefer science fiction to fantasy, with a few exceptions. The Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite books and I go to Middle Earth whenever life feels too stressful. But about a year ago I had this idea pop into my head and I can’t shake...
Writers Rooms Are Good
It will come as no surprise to anyone that I'm a Star Wars fan. Which means I tune into every new Disney Star Wars show hoping the next one will be as good as Andor. Sadly, none of them are, and I feel like one of the reasons is a lack of writer diversity as in --...
The Joys of Self Publishing
Yes, that is meant somewhat ironically because this is a long and tedious process. First you have to have the team who are able to prepare the covers properly, do all the interior layout and then someone to prepare the manuscript for all these different places. Thank...
Sometimes The Characters Need to Tell You
I do outline my novels. Not in the same detail that I would outline a script, but it's important to me to know the major beats ie the tent pole scenes that will carry me to the various act outs, but there are a few limited time where I let the flow of the story and...
Family Story Told by Cats Across the Decades
So here is a story. My aunt and uncle on my dad's side had two Siamese cats -- Tasha and Andy. And when I was a baby my mom (my dad was in Washington D.C. testifying to a congressional committee about organized crime in Los Angeles more on that another time) was...
A Glorious Purpose — Musings on Loki
There has been an outcry from fans over the ending of Loki season 2, because he didn’t get to live happily ever after with Sylvie, but I think it was perfection. And now I’m going to tell you why. AHOY, THERE ARE SPOILERS AHEAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! I fell in love...
When Less is Absolutely More (Or Don’t Cock Up Aliens)
via GIPHY I had a friend visiting who had never seen ALIENS, so we popped in the disc to watch it last night. What I hadn’t realized is that Carl and I had purchased the Special Edition. Which meant it had added back in deleted scenes and dialogue that had been cut...
Duh and Also Some Thoughts on Riding the Posting Trot
Let’s first get the fact that I am sometimes an idiot out of the way before I get into musing about how little I knew about riding until I started riding with my coach extraordinaire, Leslie Apfel. I have these great Romitelli riding boots, that I just love, but when...