I had just read this chilling article this morning, and then I heard a friend was in the hospital. I hope he has insurance. I hope it’s better than catastrophic. I talked with my former mother-in-law today, and her Crohn’s medication runs $2500 a _month_. I’m grateful I can control my disease with a cheap, old fashioned sulfa drug.
All of this got me thinking again about health care reform. How the Repubs have scared everyone into being against their own best interests. Fear tactics about bullshit “death panels”, fear that “government bureaucrats will interfere with care. Well, read this article, and think about these bureaucrats having control over your life.
I talk with my friends in Australia. They have a medical card. They go to the doctor. The office person swipes their card. They see a doctor. Compare that with a woman, sick and scared trying to get someone to listen to her, much less work with her.
And woe betide if you are sick and alone. You’re weak, you hurt and now you have negotiate this thicket of forms and drive all over town for tests where you fill out more forms. You need a healthy person to accompany you just to deal with the bullshit.
I’m so angry over Republican obstruction and Democrat cowardice that I could scream. Add to this my head is about to explode over the continuing revelations about Bush era torture.
I am not in a happy place right now.