So, did you know that physics is now a liberal plot? Check out the latest lunacy from the right.
Okay, I get that they’re uncomfortable with evolution because then they would have to accept that we’re just another animal that got lucky in the evolutionary lottery, and maybe not all that special with a special relationship with some kind of floating daddy in the sky.
And I can see where the whole climate change thing is complex, and it didn’t help that the Population Bomb alarmists were really off base in their predictions.
But _relativity_? Really? They’re upset about relativity? Einstein came up with this _craaazy_ idea so people would stop reading the bible. And you know if things are relative you aren’t going to be as accepting of dogma, or something.
Okay, I know the Tea Party can’t spell, and they don’t actually know what socialism means, and they don’t know much about the Constitution. They just know they love it when it’s about guns, and hate it when it’s about brown babies getting to be American citizens. But science is the new liberal battle ground.
And people wonder why I wrote the EDGE books, and hope to write more of them. The theocratic right is the gift that just keep on giving.