Went and saw TRON: LEGACY on Xmas Day (and by the way the 3D was not worth it. It would view just fine in 2D). I had never seen the original film so I went into having no idea what to expect. I assumed it would be pretty bad. I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a movie that falls under the category of Big Dumb Fun for me.
It looked great. It was eerie seeing how they had digitized Jeff Bridges’s young head onto another body so we could have young and old Jeff struggling with each other. The technology has really improved, but there was still a bit of that creepy plastic look to the digitized head.
At times it seemed like Bridges was channeling The Dude, but maybe his character back in the 80’s was a mellow kind of guy. I had no idea why, exactly, I was supposed to be worried. Apparently plastic Jeff was going to free the programs into our world where they would ….? Become spam? Actually turn into people and add to our population problems? Throw frisbees? It was not entirely clear.
But there were some fun frisbee battles, and the motorcycle fight was deeply cool. It was amusing that the heroine had to have a hair cut and color that, together with her body suit, was very reminiscent of Trinity in THE MATRIX.
And finally it’s a movie about daddy issues and I’m always a sucker for daddy issues.