As a reader I’ve tended to prefer science fiction to fantasy, with a few exceptions. The Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite books and I go to Middle Earth whenever life feels too stressful.

But about a year ago I had this idea pop into my head and I can’t shake it. So now that my space opera, Imperials, is finished, and the Carolingian series about the war between science and rationality and superstition, religion and magic is also finished. (Those books will be going live in the next few months with fabulous cover art by the amazing Elizabeth Leggett). I desperately needed something new to write.

I get twitchy when I don’t have something to write.

So, despite my terror over ever attempting to write fantasy, I’m currently in the process of making notes about this new book series. I’m thinking 3 books, but I’m an architect so I need to lay these out on a board and have a full outline for at least book one, and some major plot points for the other two. I also need to know how these books end, particularly the final one.

Each day I sit down at the computer, open up my document with the air of a high strung cat facing a terrifying new object in their space, and I try to think about the political structure, the economics, religions. Do I have different races and how do I avoid just doing the usual fantasy thing of elves and dwarves and dragons, Oh My! It’s hard to get Tolkien and the Dragon Age games out of one’s head when starting to sneak into a fantasy world.

And magic. Let’s not forget the whole magic thing. I really want to avoid the incredibly annoying trope where the protagonist gets themselves in a bind and then they suddenly discover a magical power they didn’t know they had, that totally solves their dilemma. I also want to use it sparingly. I do know the magic is music based so I’ve got that much. Go me!

When I plotted out the 5 book Imperials sage it was easy. They were humans from Earth so despite it being 500 years in the future I didn’t have to create everything from whole cloth. And the Carolingian series is a contemporary occult thriller, so no need to make up anything new. So, maybe what has kept me from writing fantasy was just pure laziness?

Anyway, I’ve got the major characters named, but there are secondary characters who need to not be numb nut 1 and numb nut 2. What do I call this kingdom’s version of the inquisition? Does it have a military arm?

There is a low boil rebellion going on against the evil empire, but I need to know what happened to that country’s ruling family/president/prime minister when the evil dudes marched in. Am I doing the Princes in the Tower or have they all been killed or fled into exile?

What’s the money called? How do people dress? What is the level of technology? The one thing that’s always bugged me about fantasy is so often characters are talking about how this famous sword has been carried by the kings of Wherever for five thousand years and all I can think is “In all that time they never managed to invent gun powder?”

Anyway, I’m terrified, but soldiering on as I try to create this world. Which reminds me the damn world needs a name not just the different kingdoms.