Went and saw Source Code tonight. I generally liked this film though it got a bit tedious in the middle. The relationship between Captain Stevens and Goodwin was just great. Vera Farmiga was just wonderful since she basically had to act while seated and using only facial expressions.
I was doing really well and then we hit the end. And I have no fracking idea what happened. Which means it failed the Parke Godwin test. Which states — can you tell me what happened in a sentence or two? If you can’t the story has problems.
Ian made the interesting suggestion that maybe the final couple of scenes were tacked on later. It sure felt that way. It felt like the film ended with the freeze frame (I won’t say more so there won’t be spoilers), but then there were these weird scenes that made no sense in terms of the tech as established.
It did feel like a studio exec or a test audience was upset and wanted an explicable and Happy Ending. It’s absolutely worth a watch however. Phil Dick continues to conquer Hollywood.