I’ve joined an organization called Goodreads. I think it’s sort of linked with Facebook, though I can’t swear to that. It’s a place where readers talk about the books they have read or are reading, and post reviews. When you write a review you get to select the number of stars you’ll assign to a book.
I haven’t posted all that many reviews because I don’t read as much as I used to. (There was an earlier post about that), but when I do review I tend to give a minimum of four stars out of five, and sometimes five stars.
I realized people might think I don’t want to make waves, or I’m log rolling, or I have no taste, but the truth is I don’t finish books that aren’t well written or that don’t appeal to me. Years ago I might push on to the end of a book I didn’t enjoy, but no longer. There are too many wonderful books to read, and I don’t have that many years left to read the so I’m picky.
I used to give a book fifty pages before I gave up. Now I give it twenty or thirty. Hook me and then transport me to another place, and I’m a happy camper. Bore me or irritate me and the book ends up in the Bubonicon charity auction.
That being the case my reviews are going to be good because I don’t read books I don’t enjoy. And I don’t think it’s fair to critique a book if I haven’t finished it.
So that’s why my reviews on Goodreads are positive.