Well, I’m home in New Mexico again, and after going to physical therapy and stopping by George’s for a visit I went to one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. As I was sitting, sipping my margarita, I was listening to the people around me. (Occupational hazard for writers.)
Most of the wait staff and the busboys were speaking Spanish. Then I realized that fully half the patrons of the restaurant were also speaking Spanish. I sat letting the music of the language wash over me, and picking out an occasional word and phrase. (To my shame I have never learned to speak Spanish despite a lifetime spent in New Mexico. In my defense I have no talent for language. It’s a real struggle for me.)
But that’s when I realized that this was probably some kind of vision of hell for some on the Right. Or the America Glenn Beck is constantly warning us about in one of his fetid broadcasts.
I think it’s wonderful. They view it with horror. They better get used to it. We’re becoming a much more vibrant and interesting society.