So a week or so ago I posed on Twitter that I could not understand why Sylvie’s hair had changed so drastically when we see her in flashbacks as a little girl in Asgard to the grown up Sylvie we see in the show.

People made the argument that she was on the run from the TVA so that’s why she changed her looks, and while that’s logical it ultimately didn’t satisfy me. Seriously the TVA can move through time, and while the headquarters is pretty retro they seem to be technologically pretty damn sophisticated so I didn’t buy that a perm and some hair dye was going to make all that much difference to staying one step ahead of the Hunters.

I mentioned that I wasn’t going to bore people with my crazy, off-the-wall, over-the-top theory about whey Sylvie looked so different from when she was a child, and several people indicated they would be okay if I bored them.

Today was a completely shit day and I got no work down as I was nibbled to death by paperwork, and since it’s now almost ten at night, and I’m too brain dead to actually write on one of the novels I figured I’d beclown myself by laying out my Fevered Female Loki Conspiracy Theory.

So here goes. In the flashback little girl Loki has long, straight, black hair, but the Sylvie we meet has blond, wavy hair. Now who else in Asgard has flowing golden wavy locks…. Hmmmm.

So then I thought, what if Sylvie isn’t actually a Loki, but instead the Thor from that timeline. Just as Loki was female so too was Thor in that timeline. But rather than being rivals they love each other. So Thor somehow spirits her sister away, and takes her place. Becomes a thorn in the side of the TVA, always one step ahead, keeping the eyes of the Hunters and bureaucrats on her so they never actually realize this isn’t Lady Loki and her beloved sister can live out her life in peace.

So there you have my batshit crazy conspiracy theory about Loki.

And may I say how much I love the Disney Plus shows. The MCU shows — all of them, and especially the Star Wars shows. And may I also add that I would love to work on anything in either of those franchises. (Though I’m a tad more partial to Star Wars than Marvel if anyone from Disney happens to wander past my blog.)