I started watching Lost again at the start of this season. I knew it was ending, a number of people told me it had gotten good again, and I wanted to see what they would do. I was enjoying it well enough, but I feared the end. Would it be another GALACTICA? — She’s _EVE_! plus religious gibberish, or would Lost do something fresh and unusual?
Answer. No. Way back when the show started I thought “Oh, god, this is going to be another, And they’re all dead and this is Hell, purgatory, limbo, etc.” Unfortunately I was right.
I didn’t totally understand the two tracks — the universe where the plane didn’t crash, and the one where it did. Maybe if I had the end wouldn’t have struck me as so feeble. They actually walk into white light led by Christian Shepard no less. (Dropping head into hands).
Makes me really rage against a universe that never game Ian’s and my pilot a fair shot. We actually knew what was happening, and it was way more interesting than they were all dead, or she’s Eve.