I’m counting on the ACLU to challenge this hateful provision in the defense authorization bill that allows for indefinite detention of American citizens on American soil. Basically it removes legislatively the ancient common law right of habeas corpus.
I’m a big Obama supporter, but on this he caved to political expediency. He knew if he vetoed this bill the Repubs would beat him up next year about being “soft on terrorists”, and not wanting to keep American’s safe. I understand the political reality, but it was still wrong. This bill needed to be killed if this provision wasn’t removed.
On the other hand this president plays rope a dope better than anyone, and he may have let this go through knowing the ACLU and other civil rights organizations would immediately challenge it. He is a Constitutional scholar so he has to know this is unconstitutional. Problem is, he’s relying on the Supremes to do the right thing, and with this right leaning court I’m nervous that they won’t.
What I’m seeing is a country full of gutless wonders at all levels, governmental, corporate, personal. This thing where Lowe’s and Kayak pulled ads from a boring reality show about Muslim families in Dearborn because of pressure from some ranting hate spewing group that was pissed because the show didn’t present all Muslims as terrorists, was cowardice of the first magnitude.
So now I have to call Lowe’s corporate offices and tell them I won’t be shopping with them because they are such limp tools.
And I have to call the White House and express my unhappiness over signing this bill.
And all I really wanted to do today was write, ride and work out.