To everyone who has been so patiently waiting for the fourth book in the Imperials Saga — the wait is finally over. Currency of War went live today. I completed this book so many years ago, and it’s really sort of overwhelming to finally have it in the hands of readers. There is still one more volume that will complete Tracy and Mercedes’ story, but I’m certainly not done writing in the universe. I created a big canvas and I want to keep playing there so I’ll keep everyone up to date on what we’re planning.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of my beloved agent, Kay McCauley who fought to get the rights returned to me so I could finish this story. Also, my fervent thanks to the team at Prince of Cat’s Literary Productions. They did such a beautiful and respectful job on the editing, and preparing the book for publication. And finally I am so grateful to the extraordinary talents of Elizabeth Leggett who captured my two star-crossed lovers so brilliantly and beautifully.

If you are so inclined you can find the book here

It may be delayed a few days at B&N, but will be available on all platforms and if you prefer an actual book to hold in your hand print-on-demand is available.