Too Little and Way Too Late

“Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.” Edmund Burke (1729-1797). I first heard this quote while watching a performance of the musical 1776.  The representative from Georgia, Dr. Lyman Hall, was sent to the Continental Congress with the instruction not to vote for independence.  After listening to John Adams passionate cry of “Is Anybody There?” he quotes the line...

My Small Salon

So I hosted a cream tea on Friday.  George R.R. had urged me to do something to welcome Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer to Santa Fe and to give them a chance to meet some of the cool people who live here.  George also wanted to show off my house which is very beautiful with an 80 mile view out the glass wall of the living room.  It sounded like a fun idea so I invited a group of novelists and screenwriters.  Including Ed Khamara — he wrote Lady Hawk and Enemy Mine, Bruce McKenna — he...

Tesla — The First Five Days

I thought I would give a report on my impressions about the Tesla.  First, I’m a car person.  I’ve loved them since I was a kid.  The faster the better.  I want them sleek and fierce.  I want them to look like they’re going 100 miles an hour when they’re parked.  My first car was a Dodge Charger with a 400 horsepower engine.   (Yeah, my dad was car crazy too, but wouldn’t admit it so he lived vicariously through his 16 year old daughter.)  Next up was a Fiat...

Disqualifying Behavior

I am linking to this article and I urge you to watch the video.  Kill The Gays Rally.  Not because of this ranting nutball religious head case and the 17oo deluded and hateful followers who attended, but because three republican presidential candidates showed up at this event.  I know people are going to say — “Oh Melinda, why are you getting upset over these bigoted fools?  They have no power, no way to actually enforce their murderous agenda.  Let me reiterate — Because...

Well Worth a Read

I don’t normally link to editorials, particularly ones about politics, but this one is amazingly insightful and gives a historical context to all the crazy that currently surrounds us. Benghazi, Joe McCarthy and the Witch Trials    

My Day In The Mountains

I had a plan for the day.  I had worked very hard in the morning on breaking a script I’m going to write, and had a lot of success.  Just a couple of scenes to add to act four and I think it’s cooked.  I had promised myself a day up in the Santa Fe National Forest looking at aspens. My plan was to get there at 2:00, hike and then come back down to town and go see Crimson Peak at 4:00.  Well, that didn’t happen because a business thing kept me from reaching the mountains until...