People Don’t Understand The Bill of Rights

I got back from my long day of driving to and from Farmington to discover that a new outrage fit had broken out on both sides of the political fence over this guy from a reality show called DUCK DYNASTY.  I’ve never see the show.  Just seen pictures of the bearded males of the clan.  So apparently daddy gave an interview to GQ (kind of a new look for a men’s fashion magazine, but whatever), and daddy said some thing about gays that is in line with his fundamentalist beliefs and...

This is Unfortunate

The final climax of my next EDGE book takes place in Turkey because Ataturk seemed like a perfect candidate to have known about my Prometheus figure and be affected by him.  I loved the fact that Hagia Sophia in Istanbul had begun as a church, became a mosque, and was turned into a museum by Ataturk.  It was such a sane and sensible solution to the clash of religions and cultures, a celebration of art and people rather than competing gods.  But now there is a move afoot to turn Hagia Sophia...

Hands Off Republicans

As we have pondered the sober fiftieth anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination I’m struck and infuriated by Right Wing pundits trying to claim that Kennedy was a “conservative”.  Yes, he went to the right of Nixon in being anti-Communist as a political move, but the man who could write this: “If by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who care...

Random Thursday Thoughts

I’m not religious.  In short I don’t believe any longer, but my dad was a Jesuit educated, liberal Catholic and I occasionally miss the pageantry and the music.  And now there is this amazing pope.  He’s going to go a long way toward bringing back disaffected American Catholics.  I can respect him even though I don’t believe in the mythical figure he serves.  What a relief after the last pope who seemed so cruel.  I suppose I should be surprised.  Pope Joey was the head...

Dare I? Can I?

I couldn’t bear to watch the video, but I read an article about the treatment of pigs in breeding and slaughter facilities.  I’ve tried to be the rancher’s granddaughter, and not be sentimental about animals.  We are, after all, omnivores and it’s hard to fight a million years of evolution, but if I can’t find a way to buy humanely raised and slaughtered meat I may have to try going vegetarian.  Pigs are smart.  As smart as dogs, maybe smarter.  Ugh.  Yes, I know,...

Rights for Women

I admit it’s far easier to write a review of the latest Thud and Dunder Hollywood blockbuster, or talk about the latest video game and why the Mass Effect 3 ending sucked so bad, and being able to point readers toward a terrific book is one of my favorite things to do here on the blog.  But sometimes the world intrudes and I have to talk about unpleasant topics — like the all out assault on women’s rights that is currently underway in this country.  This is a story that has...