by Melinda Snodgrass | Dec 4, 2008 | Blog
Hi, All, I’ve been getting a few comments that folks are having trouble negotiating the new site. I have forwarded all the comments to the webfolks, and we should be getting some help. I really hope they port over the post about mainlining because that seems to be generating a lot of interest. Hopefully it will arrive soon and we can continue the discussion. Connie has promised more thoughts on the subject which should be great. She is so insightful about...
by Melinda Snodgrass | Dec 4, 2008 | Blog
My friend, Janice Gelb, sent this to another list I’m on. It’s very funny, but makes the point very well. Humor really is the best vehicle for this sort of thing. Anyway check this out — Prop 8: The MusicalI hadn’t written about the passage of this evil and pernicious initiative because I was high from the election, and had to travel and then it was Thanksgiving. But then I heard from a friend in L.A. who got married during the...
by Melinda Snodgrass | Dec 1, 2008 | Blog
In addition to a lot of Wi sports games and head shaking over Sarah Palin there were in fact some discussions about writing and other creative matters. Months ago I wrote about the unsatisfying experience of mainlining Battlestar Galactica vs. Buffy or Dead Like Me. I mused about whether a show runner/creator needed to think in terms of how people watched television in this era of Netflix.Well, Connie reopened the conversation when she talked about renting and watching Poldark the old BBC...
by Melinda Snodgrass | Nov 30, 2008 | Blog
It’s Saturday night and the holiday weekend is starting to wind down, and I’m feeling relaxed and a bit sad because I had such a great time. I almost always cook for a percentage of "The Gang". This year we had an added treat because Connie Willis had called me several weeks ago to tell me that she, Courtney and Cordelia were going to be in NM over Thanksgiving and did I want to get together and gloat over the Obama victory. (Connie was my lifeline during the election....
by Melinda Snodgrass | Nov 21, 2008 | Blog
So, I’m learning this cool new website manger softward called Joomla! And it deserves the exclamation point. It’s really easy to understand, and the added bonus is I can actually mess with my actual home page. With my old softward I had (sort of) figured out how to handle my blog posts, but if I wanted a new photo in the gallery or a quote on the webpage I had to call my lovely and wonderful web mistress, Corie Conwell.My thanks to her for moving me to this new...
by Melinda Snodgrass | Oct 21, 2008 | Blog
I was referred to this blog post by a writer’s chat group to which I belong, and I found it very interesting and enlightening for any folks who are contemplating entering the weird and wonderful world of writing. There is a somewhat condescending tone to the post, but it’s filled with valuable information for writers so I gave that a pass. In my other life I run Western Minerals and Oil LLC, and I have to make hard choices based on business models so I found this peek into how...
by Melinda Snodgrass | Oct 20, 2008 | Blog
I was referred to this blog post by a writer’s chat group to which I belong, and I found it very interesting and enlightening for any folks who are contemplating entering the weird and wonderful world of writing. There is a somewhat condescending tone to the post, but it’s filled with valuable information for writers so I gave that a pass. In my other life I run Western Minerals and Oil LLC, and I have to make hard choices based on business models so I found this peek into how...
by Melinda Snodgrass | Oct 17, 2008 | Blog
I tried to make it out to see Body of Lies last night, but a confused waiter ended up delaying me. I had fun visiting with George and Ty, but the movie was just not in the cards. Maybe next week. But I have seen a couple of films. George and I went to see Bill Mahr’s Religulous and it was hysterical, insightful and depressing. I’m trying to figure out how to send him a copy of THE EDGE OF REASON as a gift. Time to contact the Hollywood manager and get an address for his company. I...