American Honor

Watch this amazing video of a WWII vet pleading for marriage rights for gay people before the Maine legislature.  [video: 300×400] This is a true American hero.  Not those blustering fools on Fox, or an armchair warrior like Cheney.  

Reflections on Celebrity

I’m a news junkie so I’ve been unable to avoid learning way more than I want to know about the “Balloon Boy” hoax.  The more I hear about the father and mother, but more particularly the father, the worse I feel.  Oddly enough for this obsessed and driven man. What is it about Hollywood that it’s so alluring and so addictive?  These had a taste of fame, and to get it back they were driven to set up a totally stupid stunt. I feel it a bit...

Ah Religion

The latest horror in the name of religion — preachers in Africa denouncing children as witches, and then they are assaulted and killed, often by their own family because “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” The world is definitely getting crazier and crazier.


How do folks feel about flu shots?  I haven’t gotten one in four years, and I’ve been fine.  No flu, just colds.  But given my Crohn’s I’m worried about the N1H1.  Also, most places are out of flu shots, my doc’s office ran out two days ago. I want an assistant who can call around, and locate a flu shot location for me.  I never get around to doing these things for myself.  Damn, I envy George.  Ty has been a god send for him....

More Right Wing Crazy

The tin-foil hat crowd has infiltrated Congress.  Three Republican Representatives gave a press conference to warn us about an Evil Muslim Plot To Infiltrate Congress.  Apparently  the Council on American Islamic Relations that is trying to place interns in Congressional offices so the young people will learn about American governance, and have an opportunity to enter politics.  But according to these three latter-day McCarthyits this is Muslim plot.  Or as Rachel...

Urban Fantasy

I’m 36,000 words into the urban fantasy I’m writing for Tor, and I’m struggling a bit.  Not because I don’t know where I’m going.  I do.  I have a cork board filled with 3 x 5 cards each denoting a chapter, and what happens in said chapter.  No, the problem is the plot.  It feels pretty thin.  Some of this may be due to the fact that I’ve been working on a screenplay, and plot drives everything because you have so little time in...

Vento Update

On Thursday I got a second opinion on Vento.  Dr. Thal brought his new associate Dr. Chessen so I got two vets for the price of one.  They flexed Vento’s leg and trotted him off.  They watched Lauren ride Vento.  They probed his leg. They shrugged and said — “He’s not lame.  Not in the classical sense.”  They said there were none of the symptoms of a suspensory injury.  Berkley said every other case she’d seen of a hind...

Office Space

My hips and the backs of my thighs are really sore.  I don’t know if that’s because of Maarten or the rowing machine at the club, but it’s made sitting in my desk chair really painful.  Some of that is also due to the fact that I am vertically challenged.  Okay, I’m short so my feet don’t comfortably touch the ground. So I grabbed my exercise ball, and I’ve been sitting on that instead.  It’s pretty cool.  I can bounce up and...

Technically Challenged

I realized I hadn’t seen any comments come through for approval, and then we realized we hadn’t changed over to the new email address.  Hence the delays.  That is being fixed, and your comments should be appearing soon. Changing to a new ISP and a new email address, and new host for my website has been — challenging.  Thank god for Corie and her team.

Ah, The Romance

I’m working on the Urban Fantasy, and I need to name a strip club in Virginia.  I was feeling uncreative — all I came up with was Pussycats — so I “did the Google” in the words of the moron, and ran through an assortment of names of clubs from various cities.  Some were amazingly clever. I didn’t want to use a real place so I combined a couple of them and came up with Hot Laps.  I swear if the NSA is data mining my computer they are going to...

Responsible Businesses

Here’s an interesting trend.  PG&E has resigned from the Chamber of Commerce over the organization’s stand regarding climate change (they apparently don’t believe in it, or think it’s natural, the bottom line is they don’t want to do anything about it) as has the utility company Exelon.  Now Nike has resigned from the Board of Directors over the issue.

The Morning Smile

This is an absolutely wonderful video that makes me happy every time I watch it.  Please enjoy.[video: 100×100]

Vague Musings

I’ve been contemplating the efficacy of schedules.  I’ve set a new one for myself, and I’m finding it very… well, I guess soothing is the word.  Partly I’ve had to do this because I have a number of projects on my plate, some with very tight deadlines.  I also need to work out so I can ride the enormous Fresian, and I have to walk Vento twice a day and ride Maarten.  So, messing around is not an option. I’ve started getting up at 6:30 and...

Horse Woes and a Funny

I went over to walk Vento, and freaked out because his hindquarters seemed stiff and he could barely walk.  I called the vet, he dropped everything and started heading for Santa Fe.  I decided to check the boy’s feet to see if he had picked up a stone and discovered that my farrier had pulled his shoes in preparation for an MRI and to save me some money while he’s recovering.  The gravel on the road was hurting his itty witty, tender little footies.  I called...