No Surprise, But Sadness

Well, it happened.  The Dems have managed to lose their opportunity to take real action against the woes that beset us.  the Republicans will block financial reform, funding green industry, and try to kill health care.  I hope there’s still a chance for health care reform.  Otherwise, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Anybody out there with a job and health insurance want to marry me?  Joking of course, but only a little.

Way Cool Science

Okay, here is some of the coolest science trivia since I posted a link to the songs of Saturn.  Check this out, a chance that there are oceans of diamonds on Uranus and Neptune.  I want a space program again.  Waaaaa!


Well, it seems that the Dems have managed to give Ted Kennedy’s senate seat to the Repubs, which means the death of health care reform.  I really better sell that script, or find someone with insurance to marry me. This bill did not go far enough, was not liberal enough for me, but at least it would have allowed me and 30 million other uninsured people to buy insurance, and kept the insurance drones from dropping me when I became ill. I’m just sick to my stomach.  If...

Taos Tool Box

I wanted to alert people that a wonderful writer’s workshop — The Taos Tool Box — is now accepting applications.  You can find the information here.  This year the class will be taught by Walter Jon Williams and Nancy Kress with guest lectures by Carrie Vaughn.  It doesn’t get much better than this. The way Clarion is focused on short stories,  The Tool Box is focused on writing novels.  It’s rather like a master class in music. If this...


Oh my, has researched changed.  Not deep, intensive research where you still need books and tabs and highlighter to mark relevant passages, but those kind of casual pieces of information that you want to add texture to a scene. I’ve been working on a section today in the urban fantasy where my Álfar (elf) character is waylaid by his mother.  I’m playing with elves as more art deco/Erte figures rather than going the medieval route.  So I wanted to look at some...

Andrew Sullivan — Worth the Read

Here is a money quote from Andrew Sullivan’s blog today. The principled position on the right with respect to torture is that opposing it is honorable, but of course supporting it is essential. The debate on the right is all but over. If you believe in torture, support the GOP. That’s what conservatism is now all about. I’ve made it a link because the entire post is well worth reading.  Of all the horrors of the Bush years the elevation of torture as an accepted...

Appropriate Posts

This morning I deleted a message, and since the sender didn’t provide me with an email address I’m unable to respond privately, so I’m doing it here.  The post was about another author’s delayed book. First, and I write this with my tongue drilled firmly in my cheek.  My blog should be all about ME, not some other writer. That said, I do discuss books I’m reading, and when I find a wonderful reading experience, I want to pass the word.  I try to...

Support Your Community Banks

Here is an interesting idea that I think has value, and I can’t see a downside.  I moved my money years ago from a local NM bank to the B of A because I could use the same checking account in CA or in NM. But I am well and truly pissed with these people, and I have a pretty hefty savings account.  I’m thinking I just might want to move a chunk of this money over to a local bank. You can check out the video here and find local, well rated banks in your...

Sherlock Holmes

Let’s get the confession out of the way.  I love Robert Downey Jr.  I also like Jude Law when he’s on his game.  I like Sherlock Holmes so I went to see the new Holmes film which treated the character as a Victorian superhero which, I think, in many ways he was. With luck I will save some of you some money.  It’s really dull.  I liked Hans Zimmer’s pulsing, clock-like music.  I liked the look.  You really got a sense of the darkness...


Went out to see AVATAR on Tuesday night, and was more than pleasantly surprised.  I was wowed.  I went into this with some skepticism.  When someone tells me they’re going to “redefine science fiction on television”, or “create something that no one has ever seen before”, I roll my eyes and walk away.  So I felt this film couldn’t match the hype.We all sprung the extra money to see the film in 3D and I’m really glad I did.  The...


I got up yesterday morning to discover that a beloved ornament had fallen in the night and shattered.  I’m putting out the word here and on Facebook to see if anyone can help me replace it.  It was a Silvestri ornament, spun glass, mostly clear with just a hint of green. Oval shape.  The outer frame had icicles hanging down from it, and it depicted a deer standing between two evergreen trees.  I think there were two trees.  Funny how you start doubting your...

Me and Orson Wells

Friday night after dinner at the Thai cafe with Ian and George, George and I went off to the local art theater to Me and Orson Wells.  This was another terrific little film.  The story is slight, but if you’ve done theater and written it will really touch a chord.  And I thought the actor, Christian McKay, playing Wells turned in a great performance.  He didn’t quite have that magnificent voice, but the ego, the genius and the manic energy were spot on.  He...


I really wish Hollywood would stagger the good movies throughout the year rather than cramming them all into the final month and a half.  I’m going crazy trying to see all the films that interest me.  I complain, but it certainly is fun. I went out with George on Wednesday night to see INVICTUS the Clint Eastwood film about Nelson Mandala and the South African rugby team.  This is a terrific film and Morgan Freeman turns in an award winning performance. I was also struck...

The Chicago Wizard, His Creator and What It Says About Writing

I’ve been reading the Harry Dresden books.  I just completed the fourth book, and I’ve been musing about what makes them so enjoyable and so readable.  Since I’m playing in this arena I wanted to read some of the real heavy hitters.  I haven’t gotten around to Laura K. Hamilton because I want to try and live and play in my own world, and not risk absorbing ideas from other sources, but I will probably read the first book as I try to understand what is so...

Suicide Kings

Here’s a heads up gang —  SUICIDE KINGS the final installment in the Committee Triad will be released on Dec. 22nd. 2009.  We got a very nice review at Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist.  Check it out, and then (I hope) you’ll go buy the book.  We have an awesome cover featuring one of the sweetest Wild Card characters every created — Rustbelt.