What ME2 Needs

I’ve been very happily playing Mass Effect 2 for days now, and I’m enjoying it though I wish I could occasionally solve a problem with words rather than guns as in DA.  I’m especially enjoying the times on the ship when I can run around and talk with the crew.  They need more personal interactions however. Another thing they need is that sense of a small, isolated and tight knit community finding solace and entertainment together.  One of my favorite things...

Life As Discordant Concerto

I would really like it if life would just settle into a dull routine for a while and be harmonious. First I had a whole deal at Tor where I changed editors, and my books got rescheduled.  Bottom line — only expect to see short stories from me in 2011.  It’s going to be 2012 before any novels appear again.  Not a happy circumstance, but it seems like things are finally going into the pipe line. Meanwhile look for a story from me in Fort Freak due out in June, and in...

Host Gator Woes

You might have noticed that my website disappeared for a few days.  It seems that Host Gator shut it down because my credit card on file changed to a new expiration date, and since they didn’t contact me I couldn’t give them the new date. This also meant I had to email for that same period. We’re back now.  Date has been changed so things should be all right for another two years.  Now I just have to try and remember to call or email them whenever anything...

Urban Fantasy is Hard

I delivered the second book in my Halls of Power urban fantasy universe, and decided I really need to write a blog about the process.  It is a very popular sub-genre so people might be tempted to jump in thinking — “Hey, they tend to be short 80 to 85,000 words, first person (which is harder than you think), kick ass heroine, etc. etc.  How hard can it be?” Really frickin’ hard! Don’t be fooled these books have to jam packed with action and emotion, and...

Why Games Need Writers — Real Writers

Those of you following me on Facebook know that I just finished Mass Effect 1 yesterday afternoon.  While the snow came down I saved the galaxy from the Reapers. Overall this was a fun game.  The planetary visuals were gorgeous, it was a big science fiction story with twists and turns, and cool alien races. There were problems.  Not enough character interactions with your team.  When big things happen there is almost never any reaction from the crew.  They should have...

New Book, Great Book

My friend, colleague, gaming buddy, and source of writing wisdom, Walter Jon Williams has a new book on the stands.  It’s called Deep State, and once you read it you will think it was ripped from the headlines.  It wasn’t.  It was written well before the Green revolution in Iran, and before the events unfolding in Egypt right now.  And he predicted them.  It’s awesome.  Not just because Walter foresaw the use of the technology, but because...

Egypt — Triumph of Intellect and Romance over Brute Force and Cynicism — Maybe

I’ve stayed pretty silent about the amazing popular uprising in Egypt.  I don’t know enough to comment intelligently.  I knew that we’d been backing an autocrat for 30 years because he was willing to acknowledge Israel, and keep the Suez Canal open, and give America first place to use the canal. But Rachel Maddow tonight pointed out something that was pretty astounding.  The new V.P. that Mubarack appointed, Omar Sulieman was the C.I.A.’s go to guy for...

Barns — They Make You Crazy

I tend to be pretty easy going about barns.  If the footing in the arena is good, the hay is quality, the stalls are cleaned and my horse gets turned out — I’m happy.  I’ll even live without blanket even though it gets really cold in Santa Fe.  He’s a horse.  If I don’t body clip him he grows a thick coat, and he has a stall. But I’m at this fabulous facility (in terms of the physical plant), and I pay a lot of money to keep him...

End It Already

I’m going to rant a little, and I think it may be a repeat rant, but it deserves stating again.  When the giant climax of a book or movie has occurred, please, please, get the hell to end.  When I worked in Hollywood we called it the “run for the credits”.  It should happen very quickly after the final big scene(s). Look at Lord of The Rings.  From the time Aragorn is crowned and marries Arwen to the parting at the Grey Havens is 70 pages.  And the...

Idiot Plots and Forced Tension

I finished a book on Monday.  One of the travel paperbacks that I read while the plane takes off and lands, a time when I can’t use my IPad and read while listening to music.  It was a light and amusing read, but I became increasingly irritated by the obtuse behavior of the romantic leads, and the willful misinterpretations and misunderstandings that were used to keep the couple apart. They author had some help because of the mores and strictures of the Victorian era, but most...

Guns and Society

I’ve put off writing about the Arizona shootings because it was just so painful, and so much had already been said about the atmosphere in the country, the fact that our new forms of communication focus on  short and often nasty exchanges, rather than reasoned discourse.  But I heard an amazing interview with one of the men who was present at the shooting, and what nearly happened because he did have a gun. One of the Arizona representatives said he “wished there had been...

Hugo Time

Hi, folks.  Well, the nominations are now open for the Hugo awards 2010.  If you were a member of Aussie Con, or are a member of Reno you can nominate for the Hugos.  So here comes the embarrassed, red faced part of this post. I have two things that are eligible.  A novel THE EDGE OF RUIN, that I’m pretty proud of, and a novellette, The Wayfarer’s Advice that appeared in SONGS OF LOVE AND DEATH, and I kind of like it too. If you’re so inclined please read...

Black Swan

Since it was again a balmy 15 degrees with a howling wind I opted not to ride, but rather to go to see BLACK SWAN.  Not sure riding in bitter cold wouldn’t have been less painful and disturbing. First some background.  I danced ballet, even danced point for a few years before I returned to horses, so I have a soft spot for the art even though it wrecks bodies, tears up feet, and makes women bulimic.  At five foot two I was never the ideal build for a modern ballerina, but...

The King’s Speech/True Grit

First, Happy New Year to all and sundry.  May 2011 treat us all gently and may we all realize our dreams in the upcoming year. It’s For Your Consideration time, and since New Mexico is now known as Tamalewood I am finally able to use my WGA card without a giant argument at the movie theaters.  So taking advantage of free movies I have seen THE KING’S SPEECH last week, and TRUE GRIT this afternoon. Both will be nominated for Best Picture, but I think The King’s...

Tron: Legacy

Went and saw TRON:  LEGACY  on Xmas Day (and by the way the 3D was not worth it.  It would view just fine in 2D).  I had never seen the original film so I went into having no idea what to expect.  I assumed it would be pretty bad.  I was pleasantly surprised.  It’s a movie that falls under the category of Big Dumb Fun for me. It looked great.  It was eerie seeing how they had digitized Jeff Bridges’s young head onto another body so we could...