Thor, The Avengers, and The Human Heart

Partly because of my deep mash on Loki I decided to stream the first THOR movie to my X-Box and then watch my DVD of THE AVENGERS.  I’m also going to give the Thor sequel another look when I don’t have people talking in their outside voices directly behind me. Watching both films gave me some interesting insights about writing in general and these films in particular.  First the screenwriter(s) Ashley Miller, Zack Stentz & Don Payne or at least one of them seemed to get that at its heart...

Ender’s Game

I wrestled over this decision for a long time but I finally did go see Ender’s Game.  Let me preface this by saying that I disagree with Orson Scott Card on every stance he has taken regarding the rights of the LGBT community.  I find his musings about “urban gangs” to be not so very veiled racism, and it saddens me to see a man who has a platform using it to be so divisive and hateful.  Therefore I have not provided a link to Card’s website as I have with other folks...

Random Thursday Thoughts

I’m not religious.  In short I don’t believe any longer, but my dad was a Jesuit educated, liberal Catholic and I occasionally miss the pageantry and the music.  And now there is this amazing pope.  He’s going to go a long way toward bringing back disaffected American Catholics.  I can respect him even though I don’t believe in the mythical figure he serves.  What a relief after the last pope who seemed so cruel.  I suppose I should be surprised.  Pope Joey was the head...

Dare I? Can I?

I couldn’t bear to watch the video, but I read an article about the treatment of pigs in breeding and slaughter facilities.  I’ve tried to be the rancher’s granddaughter, and not be sentimental about animals.  We are, after all, omnivores and it’s hard to fight a million years of evolution, but if I can’t find a way to buy humanely raised and slaughtered meat I may have to try going vegetarian.  Pigs are smart.  As smart as dogs, maybe smarter.  Ugh.  Yes, I know,...

Rights for Women

I admit it’s far easier to write a review of the latest Thud and Dunder Hollywood blockbuster, or talk about the latest video game and why the Mass Effect 3 ending sucked so bad, and being able to point readers toward a terrific book is one of my favorite things to do here on the blog.  But sometimes the world intrudes and I have to talk about unpleasant topics — like the all out assault on women’s rights that is currently underway in this country.  This is a story that has...

Writer’s Workshop

I need to mention that I will be teaching at a writer’s workshop next May along with Walter Jon Williams and John Pitts.  It’s called Paradise Lost and it runs May 1st through the 4th.  You can find more information here: Paradise Lost This will eventually be listed under “appearances”, but I wanted to give folks a heads up now.


Everyone from Republicans to reporters eager for a bad-news-story because bad news sells better than good news have been busy sabotaging the new Affordable Care Act.  Here’s an article by a journalist who actually did his job that once again points out the lies and misinformation. Debunked  

What We Owe Art

Those of you who follow me on Facebook know I’ve been struggling with trying to obtain a DLC (downloadable content) for an older video game called Knights of the Old Republic hereinafter referred to as KOTOR.  This game was released in 2003 and won Game of the Year — deservedly so, it’s a terrific game, and in researching for this post I discovered why.  My friend Drew Karpyshyn wrote the game, and it’s bloody brilliant.  An absolutely great story.  It’s a pity Lucas didn’t hire Drew for...

The Cut Indirect

You won’t normally find me quoting or praising John McCain here.  I pretty much lost all respect for the man when he placed a highly unqualified individual on his presidential ticket.  But sometimes he has a wicked sense of humor.  This response to Louie Gohmert, Representative from Texas is priceless and worthy of my Southern grandmother.  At the Values Voter Summit ole’ Louie had made some incoherent statement that John McCain supported Al-Qaeda because of Syria… or...


I loved this movie.  It doesn’t hurt that it was directed by one of my favorite directors Alfonso Cuarón, and had two very appealing actors and it was about space.  Which made it even more awesome.  I know Neil DeGrasse Tyson had a fit about the movie because you can’t see the ISS from the Hubble, etc. etc.  I don’t care.  This wasn’t a NASA documentary.  It wasn’t a space disaster movie a la that terrible mess ARMAGEDDON.  It was a movie about rebirth and the...

Civics Lessons for the Right Wing

I think we are clearly seeing the result of high schools no longer requiring that Civics be taught before you can graduate.  So in the interest of educating certain Republican members of the House of Representatives and members of the Tea Party I will attempt to set a few things straight. 1. There are three branches of government, not four.  Yes, I’m looking at you Representative Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma.  His exact quote.  “This country isn’t ran by just one individual it’s ran by...

Life Cycles of TV Shows

I watched an episode of PERSON OF INTEREST last night that I had recorded on my DVR, and I got a decided sinking sensation.  As many folks know I have been a huge proponent of this television series.  Frankly, I thought it was the best show on television.  As I worked my way through the first season and compared it with the second season I was deeply impressed by the plotting of the arcs.  How tension was developed and sustained.  Mysteries deepened.  But now that we are into the third season...

IQ Test Required

I want an IQ test before anyone is allowed to run for Congress.  I also want them to have at least a nodding understanding of the American Constitution.  Here is the latest Republican moron (with apologies to morons).  Oklahoma Representative Markwayne Mullin. Read the following statement and find the ensy weensy problem. “This country isn’t ran by just one individual it’s ran by four branches, but three branches that are in control of this,” Mullin said Tuesday. “As long as those three...

Just A Hint

Psssst.  Republicans.  I have a little tip for you.  You can’t spend thirty years demonizing the government and government workers and then when the government shuts down expect people to believe that you’re not responsible. It’s interesting how they are all suddenly in love with the NIH and the CDC and national parks.

The Constitutional Law Professor

If you want to understand why President Obama is holding so firm and refusing to negotiate, especially over raising the debt ceiling you can find many of the answer in this terrific article by Jonathan Chait in the New Yorker. The Shutdown Prophet We also have a President who is a Constitutional scholar and actually understands the document and how the three branches of government are supposed to work as opposed to the Tea Party Republicans who profess to love the document, but seem to have...