What’s Really Hard

I’ve discovered something about writing today.  I’ve discovered what’s really hard.  Especially when you are not in a contemporary setting, but instead creating a future world.  If you’re writing a historical you can  research and there are answers to tiny niggling questions.  You don’t get to do that in your own future history.  You have to make it up whole cloth, and damn it slows you down. I’m working on my space opera and the first book is set at the...

Annoying Article

So, I ran across this pompous, annoying, infuriating, fug-headed article on Slate.  The title alone should tell you all you need to know — against_ya_adults_should_be_embarrassed_to_read_children_s_books.html. Among her many complaints is that YA books give readers a “satisfying” ending — as if that is a bad thing!  Happy, sad or somewhere in-between I think the failure to deliver a satisfying ending to “stick the landing” if you will is a near crime on the...

More Mitzveh Opportunities

And while we’re on the subject of good deeds — I hope folks remember that if you make a donation to a range of charities that are listed on my website under the title Doing Good I will send you a signed copy of any book of your choice.  That includes Wild Card books signed by George as well as a lot of other writers, my Edge books, and the Phillipa Bornikova urban fantasy books.

Do A Mitzveh

My dear friend George R.R. Martin is backing a little world changing action on behalf of the NM Wolf Sanctuary and the Food Depot here in northern NM.  It’s like a kickstarter on a sight called Prizeo.  If you make a donation you are entered for the grand prize — a trip to NM for you and a friend, a day with George, and a helicopter ride out to the sanctuary to meet the wolves.  The site going great guns so if you want to do something for hungry wolves and hungry humans drop over...

Andre Norton

So a new fight has erupted in science fiction over the fact there have only been 4 women given the Grand Master award by SFWA.  One should keep in mind that there have only been 30  given thus far.  You can find a list here Grand Masters.  (Apologies for it being a Wiki entry, the entry over at the SFWA site is out of date.)    In addition the recipient has to be alive to receive it and have had a major impact on the field.  When this award was first instituted it was understandable that the...

The Normal Heart

I recorded and watched the film version of Larry Kramer’s powerful play The Normal Heart last night on HBO.  Often times a play doesn’t translate all that well to film — long speeches that become agonizing when it’s not live, static staging, but this worked very well.  Even some of the long speeches worked because it’s people pouring out their fear and frustration.  There was even voice over which I didn’t hate.  I usually fine it intrusive as hell, but...

The Grand Budapest Hotel

I’ve been a bit agnostic about Wes Anderson.  I really loved the FANTASTIC MR. FOX, really disliked THE ROYAL TENEBAUMS.  MOONRISE KINGDOM left me a bit cold, but tonight I went and saw THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL, and I loved it.  It has all of Anderson’s stylized quirks, but it works so well in this film.  The parade of terrific actors in tiny roles is a delight.  The humor is applied with the lightest touch, and at it’s core it’s a celebration of human decency.  I also...


I discovered I had a whole lot of comments that had stacked up while I was away in Los Angeles.  I will be better about checking and approving the messages.  I promise.  In the meantime, my apologies for ignoring folks for several weeks.  Crazy busy and some big changes are pending for me which have occupied a lot of my thoughts.


Home at last and while I’m tired I’m also restless so it seemed like the perfect night to watch the finale of AGENTS OF SHIELD for a second time.  Len and I were doing a great deal of hooting and hollering so I wanted to watch it again with a more critical eye.  My initial reaction hasn’t changed — it was too damn easy.  (Picture Samuel Jackson saying that in his Nick Fury voice.) I had really liked the shake up to the show — SHIELD has been designated as a terrorist organization.  Our little...

The Blacklist

There are just so many way THE BLACKLIST is a mess, but I’ll try to focus my thoughts about this show that has me yelling at the screen every time I watch a recorded episode.  Problem one is the fact James Spader completely outclasses everybody else in the cast.  If they are going to go with a larger than life star they need to give him worthy co-stars.  The female lead in particular is just terrible.  She seems to have two expressions and neither of them are very interesting.  The problem...

Late Night Musings on AGENTS OF SHIELD

I’ve been pondering on AGENTS OF SHIELD ever since the follow up episode to THE WINTER SOLDIER.  I think the show is finally finding its footing.  Sad that it had to happen this late in the season leaving its fate in doubt with ABC.  I hope they give it another chance next season, but we’ll have to see. I still get very frustrated with the show and the writing staff for making the expected, obvious choices, but at least there is some grit, conflict and fire between the people now and that is...

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

For the first time in many months I actually drove to a theater and went to see a movie.  CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER.  I had really been looking forward to this film since the first movie is one of my favorite superhero movies ever because of the lovely character moments and it’s thoughtful analysis of war, bravery and why we fight.  I particularly liked the moment where Dr. Erskin is examining the scrawny Steve Rogers and asks in a faintly mocking tone about how he wants to go and...

The New Cosmos

I had taped the first episode of the new COSMOS with Neil deGrasse Tyson and I got around to watching it last night.  I enjoyed it a great deal, and the production values are breathtaking.  There were several interesting things that I noticed.  One was the use of animation to tell certain historical stories.  In particular the story of the Dominican monk Giordono Bruno.  He wasn’t a scientist, and his rational for believing the universe was infinite was his belief that god was infinite...

Longing For A Game

Let me amend that to say I’m longing for a good game.  Life right now is a bit stressful, and I’d like to have an escape.  I think it’s time for a return to Ferelden and Dragon Age:  Origins.  I used to just load up one of the Mass Effect games and go play in that world and see old friends, but that ending of game 3 really has rather soured me on that franchise.  I may play all three games again knowing I will stop before the end, but I could really use an immersive...


I found myself pondering the art of selling.  How people craft a commercial that will hopefully encourage a viewer to buy a particular product.  My reaction to two very different television commercials made me realize how very fraught this effort must be.  There is a Gevalia commercial that actively makes my teeth hurt, and I swear if Gevalia was the last coffee on Earth I would never buy this product because I find the commercial to be so very, very sexist.  You’ve got a book club that...