Lost Between Styles
As my crit group well knows, and others who have heard me speak about writing know that I hate description. Hate to write it. Suck at it. So that's been a writing exercise that I've been practicing for several years now. To avoid the "white...
Screenplays and Description
I realized I was wrestling with where to place the descriptions of Jokertown in the Wild Card screenplay I'm writing. In a book it's fairly easy (though tedious, I hate to write description), but in a screenplay I need to tell the readers what they will be...
Random Stuff
So tomorrow there's going to be a press conference about the Higgs-Boson. This is a particle that may tell us what the heck space is made of. Not the stuff in space, but space itself. I'm really stoked about this. I have no understanding of the...
You realize that someday "Obamacare" won't be spoken as a pejorative. It will used the same way we say "medicare". It will be celebrated as that first step toward universal coverage in this country. Despite all the other things going on in my life right...
So, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts I will get to keep buying health insurance, and won't be tossed off because of my pre-existing condition. And the Civil Rights decisions are no longer in jeprody because the use of the Commerce Clause was upheld and vindicated...
Bad Guys
Bad Guys. They’re very cool. Awesome even so use them wisely. They can make or break a story, book, movie, game. Darth Vader (until those last three abominations) was always more interesting than Luke. I really got to thinking...
Expanded Mass Effect Endings — Didn’t Help
So EA/Bioware are now on my permanent fecal roster. Ty Franck offered me valuable advice regarding the expanded DLC for the end of Mass Effect 3. He said he wasn't going to download it because the company would track the number of downloads, and if there are a lot...
Doomed, We’re Doomed
I'd use the "F" word except I don't want to offend. What ought to offend people is what is happening in Louisiana. Apparently choice vouchers are being offered by the state, and people are using them to send their kids to religious schools where they are...
Okay you've been warned. SPOILERS**************SPOILERS***********SPOILERS***********SPOILERS Why didn’t BRAVE work? It wasn’t bad it was just flat, and I think it was because they couldn’t decide who the...
In The Bubble
So I'm reading the news this morning, and to add to my depression over the fact that a large percentage of Americans don't accept evolution I run across this little gem. Here's the highlight from the article -- the 63% of Republicans polled believe that Iraq had WMD....