The Arrogance of the Entitled
Okay, I have to respond to Mr. Romney. Let me give you a few salient facts, Mittens. I have a Juris Doctor. I have worked in Hollywood. I write books. I manage a natural gas and oil company. I voted for Barack Obama. And I pay more in taxes then many people make...
Apple Rocks
So I tried the experiment of using just the IPad and the Kensington keyboard on the trip to worldcon in Chicago. I alternated between working on the movie with the new Final Draft app for IPad, and writing on my Shepard story in Pages. I got really...
No Firestorm Over Mass Effect 3?
I'm a bit amazed that the Righteous (Antideluvian) Right hasn't gone batcrap crazy over the very sensitive and well done romance between a male Shepard and Kaidan in Mass Effect 3. Maybe they were distracted by magical lady parts that can tell the difference...
Andrew Sullivan — Sane Conservative
I'm pasting in an article from Sullivan's blog, The Daily Dish because it is so apt. Sullivan is a gay, Catholic, Brit, and Tory style conservative who was initially a cheerleader for the Iraq war until he realized it was a crock, and has been outraged that the...
The Mask Slipped
Representative Todd Akin of Missouri is undoubtably an idiot, a blow hard, and a member of the American Taliban, but he did the American public a solid favor when he revealed the true attitudes of the current GOP leadership. Let's put aside for the moment the...
Had It
The level of stupid in the GOP is now up to their noses. Over the weekend this troglodyte Congresman by the name of Todd Aiken said the following: "From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways...
Finding The Zone
Things appear to be on track for the Wild Cards right deal to land. We just need to makes a few more copies. I'm going to try and help Pat with that on Monday. So feeling more confident I went back to the movie. Returning to it meant I spent a...
He’s an Equine Einstein
Today is Vento’s second day of Clicker training. This horse is scary smart. This is also very interesting because there are definable goals and behaviors that you can see occurring which is taking it out of the realm of woo-woo for me. The...
Work Like Hell
It's time for us to get serious and work like hell during this election season. We need to hold the Senate and the White House, and at least come close to taking back the House. Why? Just take a look at an analysis of the Ryan budget, and his stand...
This Is How You Do It
Just started replaying Mass Effect 1 with a new game, but same Shepard. Karpyshyn and his team did it right. Why, oh why didn't the producers in the third game pay attention? This is a great example of how to start any work of fiction be it game,...