Sad Truth
I had a feeling last night was going to be depressing so read and watched Arrow and had dinner with a friend rather than watch the electoral returns. And it was what I expected but more so. I could understand Iowa and Colorado. I could even understand Wisconsin,...
Thoughts On Arrow
I finally set down with the XBox and Netflix and started streaming the first season of Arrow. I finished season one last night after a number of nights of joyful binge watching. I really like this show. It's got a great look, quite good scripts, a terrific cast and...
Scripts Are Easier
On Tuesday evenings I go over to Len Wien and Christina Valada's house for dinner, and then Len and T and I watch three TV shows back to back -- The Flash, Agents of SHIELD and Person of Interest. Len has dubbed it Action Tuesday which is a great name for it. Person...
Setting the Record Straight
So the gamergate spat has finally gone mainstream, and a good thing too since there are now two women in the gaming industry who have been driven from their homes over virulent on-line threats, and the posting of their personal information including their addresses....
What Constitutes a “Spoiler”?
As I've mentioned here and on Facebook -- I don't mind spoilers. In fact they add to my enjoyment of a movie or book because it enables to examine the structure and pacing as the writer moves toward the climax. In fact there was a study that indicated spoilers...
The Problem With Contentment
I ran up against an interesting problem today while I was working on the space opera. Given the trouble we ran into on Star Trek: The Next Generation I should have seen it coming, but it really hit home today. Contented characters aren't very interesting and the...
Points Of View
You may not know it but a lot of writers like to set challenges for themselves. Can I write a novel or short story strictly following the fairy tale format? Let me see if I can write an unreliable narrator. I'm going to tackle first person (much harder then you...
This Shit Needs to Stop
So a third prominent woman in the gaming industry has been threatened with rape and death. Now Brianna Wu has been forced to flee her home. You can find one of the many articles here Polygon. This is starting to send me into a headache inducing rage. Yeah, boys, we...
Cultural Relativism
I've been watching the fight that has erupted between Sam Harris and Bill Maher and various pundits who consider their remarks on Islam to be bigotry. I can see points on both sides. To arbitrarily damn all members of a faith for what is written in their particular...
So Many Shows — So Little Time
My friend Len Wein has started a new Tuesday night tradition. After I finish at the barn I drive over to his and Christine's house, I have a long soak in one of their amazing big, deep bathtubs. I read and relax. Then we fix dinner and after dinner it's time for...