Where Did It Come From?
One of the questions over on Facebook was what was the origin of the IMPERIALS series. It was actually a reaction to the Return of the Jedi. Certainly an inferior film compared to the first two Star Wars (though it looks like Shakespeare compared to what followed)....
My Process
We've been discussing my writing process over on Facebook, but I thought I'd move the discussion over here to the website. These space opera books are going together differently then my other novels. I plot very carefully, I know all the big "tent pole" scenes that...
Inquisition Second Play Through
I've been moving very slowly on my second play through of Inquisition. Part of that is life intruding -- a script to be written, a return to N.M., back to L.A., a move, and back home to New Mexico. I also hit a bug that irritated me and since I'm a completest I had...
Another Hugo Nominee
Yesterday I finished reading the second book in Ann Leckie's series, ANCILLARY SWORD. I really enjoyed this book, and it was in this volume that her use of only the female pronoun "she" was revealed to me in all its true genius. I was suddenly aware of a subtle bias...
The Goblin Emperor
As I indicated on my Facebook page I really liked this book. Primarily because it was a character study and I read for the people not for the problem. Katherine Addison evokes the insecurities of an 18 year old who is suddenly thrust into the role of ruler when his...
Mad Max Returns
Yesterday I went off to see the new Mad Max film with Len Wein and Chris Valada, her sister and son. It gave me exactly what it promised, and I happen to really like the Mad Max movies though I realized last night that when I think Mad Max I'm really thinking about...
Musing on Starting a New Novel
First let me say upfront that I find starting a book to be the most difficult part of the process. What drives that? Stone cold fear. Fear that I can't possibly do this. Fear that this will be the project that verifiably proves that I have no talent and I have...
This Won’t End Well
I can't decide whether this calls for a <headdesk> or just open mouthed, gobsmacked disbelief. youre-gonna-love-disneys-new-white-african-princess It also falls under the who-ever-thought-this-was-a-good-idea-and-do-they-still-have-a-job? heading.
Looking for Insults in the Avengers
I have to add an addendum to my thoughts about the Avengers flick. Apparently a lot of people are very upset about Black Widow in this film because of the scene with Bruce Banner about her inability to have children. That is not a sexist moment. Listen to the...
Pondering the New Avengers
I went and saw the Age of Ultron on Monday and enjoyed the sybaritic delights of the Cinepolis theater with the reclining leather seats with foot rests and full bar, gourmet food, etc. etc., and I've been thinking about the film ever since, but also realizing that I...