Assuming for the moment that the screaming racists in the Tea Party are not representative of all the members of this group, you are still left with a _really_ white, older group of people. All of whom seem to love their social security and their Medicare, but somehow they want not to pay taxes. Do they understand what pays for these services they enjoy?
I agree the deficit is a worry, but I won’t take these people seriously until they make real suggestions about spending cuts. Defense is an obvious place to cut. And entitlements. I’ve been successful. I’m willing to be means tested for social security. I’m happy to have the social security withholding apply to my entire income. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and George Soros have all said — “Yes, tax my full income. Don’t cap it at i$106,800
I want affordable insurance and medicare because I don’t want to go bankrupt if I should become horribly ill. but Hell, I’ll go for means testing for medicare so long as I can buy an affordable policy with decent coverage.
And what services do these rugged individuals want to supply for themselves? Fire departments? Police? The FDA so their grandkid doesn’t eat tainted meat and die? The CDC? Utilities that provide clean water, and electricity with the turn of a tap, or the flip of a switch? Roads? Public hospitals? Public schools? State universities? And do they really want to adopt a senior in lieu of social security?
I’m not happy about Iraq and Afghanistan, but my taxes go to provide so many other services. If the idea that taking care of the least and weakest among us isn’t an ethical and moral position how about pure self-interest? Isn’t it better that the poor kid at school has been vaccinated so _your_ kid doesn’t get whooping cough or measles or mumps? Or how about the waiter or the cook at a restaurant. I’d like to know they aren’t sick with some communicable disease when they handle my food.
When did we lose sight of the idea from many — one. We are a nation. That means we should have each other’s backs.
And don’t get me started on this racist crap out of Arizona. _Papers, please!”_ (Consider the appropriate B movie Nazi accent provided.)