Star Trek: The Missed Opportunity

Star Trek. Well, where to start. *********************************************************Here Be Spoilers*********************************Spoilers********************************************************** It had a really terrific cast. Chris Pine has definitely grown into the role of Kirk. Quinto is amazing as Spock. Benedict Cumberbatch has become one of my favorite actors working. Unlike many I like the Spock/Uhura pairing. There’s something enough off kilter about it that just works for...

Creation is Passion

I was cruising around the BioWare social network, and came across a link to an interview conducted with Messers Hudson, Everman and Gamble. It wasn’t quite an apology for the dreadful ending to Mass Effect 3, but it certainly had the feeling of people who were deeply chastised. Here are a few select quotes from the interview. From Hudson. “One thing that really stood out for us is that we underestimated how attached people would become to the characters.” Everman said,...

Guilt Trips, Head Games & The Resultant Rage

I had a very bad, no good, rotten day today. I woke early since I was due at the barn by 7:30, and went to bring my old dog, Nikki in from the garage where she sleeps. She is usually waiting for me, but this morning there was no sign of her. I called. Still nothing. I went into the garage and found her lying on the concrete between the cars. She barely reacted when I spoke to her and petted her. Nikki is a big dog, 64 pounds, and at 14 she is very, very old for a big dog. Pretty much every day...

Wild Cards! Wild Cards!

For those of you who are fans of the Wild Card series I have great news.  There is a new story up on by one of our terrific writers, the amazing Cherie Priest.  Do check it out.  It features one of our more… er, interesting jokers — The Button Man.  And George and I are getting ready to set the line up for our next Wild Card book, one of the “mosaic novels”.  This one is called HIGH STAKES, and believe me the stakes have never been higher. You can find...

Writing the Love Scene

I’m not talking about the sex scene.  Truthfully, I don’t enjoy writing them.  I have this theory that sex is really only interesting and not absurd when you’re one of the participants.  There are writers who can do it brilliantly.  Diana Gabaldon in her Outlander series can really write a hot sex scene, my friend, Sage Walker does an amazing job, but it’s a hard tightrope to walk.  Too clinical and it’s off putting.  Too cotton candy — what you find in some...