In the past two days Rush Limbaugh — spiritual if not titular leader of the Republican Party has stated the BP rig was sabotaged. Which is sheer idiocy.
And now today, John McCain, former navy pilot, POW, Senator and presidential candidate has declared the Constitution should be shredded. He believes that a _U.S. citizen_ should not be entitled to Constitutional protections.
Is power really worth this much, Senator McCain? That you would turn against the principles that presumably you fought for when you wore the uniform of the U.S. military?
This all depresses me because a robust two party system is much healthier then single party rule. But there has to be someone on the other side who is first, willing to talk and negotiate in good faith, and second, who is marginally grounded in reality. Within the bubble of Fox and Republican lies there is no hope for compromise and governance.
I despair for the nation.