I’m becoming increasingly alarmed by the level of vitriol coming out of the unhinged right.  Some of it seemed laughable.  The Birthers, the Death Panels, the Tenthers — dear god, the governor of Minnesota argued he could use the Tenth amendment to block heath care reform in his state and _he’s a friggin’ lawyer!!!_  This isse has been definitively settled by the Supreme Court, and by a little event that you may have heard of — The Civil War.

I dipping in a bit to check out the latest Tea Party march in Washington, and  some of the signs and rhetoric are scaring the living daylights out of me.

My reading indicates that the level of hate was about the same just before J.F.K. was shot (I was a little too young to actually remember), and with this current president we add the explosive issue of race. 

I think Congressman Joe Wilson was a symptom of a group of Southern white men who can’t stand the fact they are losing power to women and minorities, and cannot accept a black man as POTUS.

I very much fear some lone wingnut is going to take a shot.  I just hope the Secret Service will be able to deal with it when/if it happens.  Because if Obama were to be killed I think it would tear this country apart.