My hips and the backs of my thighs are really sore.  I don’t know if that’s because of Maarten or the rowing machine at the club, but it’s made sitting in my desk chair really painful.  Some of that is also due to the fact that I am vertically challenged.  Okay, I’m short so my feet don’t comfortably touch the ground.

So I grabbed my exercise ball, and I’ve been sitting on that instead.  It’s pretty cool.  I can bounce up and down when I can’t think of how to phrase the next sentence.  I can roll back and forth, and then my belly muscles go — What Are you Doing!!! — because you’re really got to keep your core muscles engaged or you fall off the ball.

On the plus side my hips and thighs don’t hurt as much.

I think writing while weightless might be the best solution.  Wonder if NASA would accept that as a reason to apply for the astronaut program.