So, I’m learning this cool new website manger softward called Joomla!  And it deserves the exclamation point.  It’s really easy to understand, and the added bonus is I can actually mess with my actual home page.  With my old softward I had (sort of) figured out how to handle my blog posts, but if I wanted a new photo in the gallery or a quote on the webpage I had to call my lovely and wonderful web mistress, Corie Conwell.

My thanks to her for moving me to this new software, though I’m afraid she may be putting herself out of business….  Nah, I’ll find someway to confuse myself, and be calling for help.

Truthfully, I use my computer like a giant typewriter and library.  I have no idea how it actually works.  When it doesn’t work I contemplate sacrificing small animals to it, in the hope that will propetiate the computer gods.  Which sort of encapsulates the human need to make up gods.