I realized something after a very busy and productive day yesterday.  I like to write.  I mean that literally.  I like to sit at a keyboard, and put words down.  People might say, “Well, duh.  You’re a writer.  Of course you like to write.”  But oddly that is sometimes not the case.  I know a lot of writers who like to have written, but they don’t necessarily like to write.

I get excited when a sentence is pretty.  Or when dialog is subtle and works on several levels, and when a character does something unexpected.

I also really like to talk about writing.  I could talk about the craft of writing every day, and never get tired of it.

I do sometimes wish that prose writing was more like working on a TV staff in Hollywood.  I miss having people to bounce ideas off, and to burble about a new story idea.  I find the more I talk about a project the more concrete and real it becomes, the more interesting, and I become more excited to actually write that story.

For some people to talk about a story is to kill it.  Not for me.  And that’s the other wonderful thing about writing.  It is such a uniquely individual experience.  There is no right way to tell a story.  There are only ways that work.  That’s why this never gets boring for me.