I’m writing this big space battle action sequence in The Currency of War. In my head it lays out like a film — quick cuts between the four view point characters reacting to the changing situation.  So I decided to try to write it as if it were a screenplay.  Which means minimal description and rapid fire dialogue in each cut.  Sort of a Aaron Sorkin meets Hitchcock in the shower scene in Psycho mashup  that will (hopefully) weave together into a coherent whole.
Each of these individual scenes is running at just under a page and the entire sequence kicks off with a call from a character who is well away from the battle in contact with one of my captains.  If this were actually a movie I would have them echo the same line, but I decided to vary it slightly for prose.  They are both two word lines, same syllable length, same emotional content being conveyed.  That then carries me into a scene where I’m down to the three characters who are actually all present and engaged in this battle.
I love writing.  I love trying new tricks and I love seeing if the skills I learned and honed in Hollywood can translate onto a page of prose.  Every day I thank the universe that I got to pursue this career that sustains me both mentally and emotionally.
I mean really, I get paid to make sh*t up.  How cool is that?